General News

Foróige NFTE Wins Three Gold and Silver European Awards in Switzerland

Alan June 9, 2022

The European YouthStart Awards were a huge success for all of our Foróige Young Entrepreneurs in Switzerland on June 3rd. The Foróige NFTE team participated in the awards in the city of Olten with four of our National winners in three of the European Categories

Tadhg O'Brien from Scoil Uí Mhuirí in Dunleer, Louth won Gold Award in his category "Real Market" with his business, Scriptorium Pens - handcrafted wooden pens crafted from Irish trees. 

Foróige Launches 'The Comeback' Campaign

Alan May 18, 2022

A lot of the best things in life have been a little out of reach for a while. We’ve all missed a ton of things, but luckily, most of them are making a comeback and so are we at Foróige Clubs!

The Comeback campaign was created to communicate a compelling case for Foróige clubs and why they are important to not just young people but volunteers too. This nationwide campaign helps shine a light on the work and impact this organisation has on both the youth and volunteers around Ireland. 

70 Years Ago Today… The Very First Foróige Meeting Takes Place

Alan March 14, 2022

“There can be no remedy for our manifold national ills if we cannot create a spirit of courage and enterprise in our young people,” said then Minister for Education, Sean Moylan as he and Minister for Agriculture Thomas Walsh opened the first meeting of the group called Macra na Tuaithe on March 14th, 1952 in Mooncoin, County Kilkenny. 

Foróige REAL U Programme: All New and Improved

Alan March 3, 2022

Foróige are delighted to announce that our Relationships and Sexuality Education Programme, REAL U (Relationships Explored And Life Uncovered), has undergone a complete review, update and redesign. REAL U is an evidence based, comprehensive, and holistic personal development and sex education programme aimed at equipping young people with the skills, knowledge and confidence to develop healthy relationships and delay the onset of early sexual activity. 

YES! Youth Engineering Solutions: New Resources

Alan October 7, 2021

The Youth Engineering Solutions Programme is an exciting and innovative Foróige project funded by the Science Foundation of Ireland (SFI).

The programme is supported by leading academic, industry and STEM education collaborators. Aimed at Young People 10 - 18yrs.

Two new resources have been released to help young people take part in the programme, download these below:

Engineering Christmas Activities (Perfect for club nights!) 

The ETB Club Grant Scheme

foroigeadmin April 27, 2021

The ETB club grant scheme

Could your club use up to €3,000 over the next year?

We strongly encourage all Foróige volunteer led clubs to apply for the ETB youth club grant scheme. This year the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Inclusion and Youth Affairs has allocated 2.25 million euro for clubs, to be distributed through the ETBs (Education and Training Boards). The maximum available per club is 3,000, though it may be less where an ETB has a lot of applications.

When and how can we apply?
