The Difference Your Donation Can Make

Through the generosity of our supporters the changes we can make will have an impact for decades to come. Your kind support will have both immediate and long term results for young people in Ireland. Foróige works with over 56,000 young people annually and our aim is to reach 100,000 by 2020 - representing 1 in 5 young people in Ireland. You can be a part of this.

€10 a month or €120 a year

€10 a month or €120 a year helps support a young person in a Foróige Club. Foróige currently has 531 Clubs with 13,220 members. A Foróige Club is a safe place for young people to hang out, meet new friends and have a voice. Each club is supported by adult Leaders and a professional Youth Officer who provides training and ongoing support. 

€15 a month or €180 a year

€15 a month or €180 a year will support a young person to reach their full potential through availing of Foróige’s targeted Projects and Services. Foróige currently has 126 Youth Projects nationwide including 48 Youth Cafés. A Youth Café is a space for young people to be with their friends in a safe and secure environment. Crucially, young people can access personal support from trained staff at the Cafe if they need it to address challenges they may face.

€21 a month or €252 a year

€21 a month or €252 a year will help support a Big Brother Big Sister mentoring partnership for one year. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ireland (BBBS) is an international proven youth mentoring programme offered by Foróige in Ireland since 2002. The programme matches young people to adult volunteers who provide mentoring support, guidance and encouragement to assist them in their school, family, and community lives.

€35 a month or €420 a year

€35 a month or €420 a year will support a young person completing Foróige’s Youth Entrepreneurship programme (NFTE). NFTE is the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship, our programme to develop young people’s confidence, business skills, ambition and vision for the future. Results show improved confidence and higher rates of secondary school completion and going on to 3rd level study.