Twinning New York and Irish Foróige clubs

foroigeadmin April 27, 2021

Twinning New York and Irish clubs


We are exploring how to “Twin” our Foróige Clubs and Foróige Juniors in New York with similar clubs

in Ireland. If you think your club might be interested please complete this form.


We have 7 clubs in New York at the moment. Most of the members are second third or fourth

generation Irish American, as are the leaders. We have hundreds of clubs in Ireland.

The purpose of the twinning arrangement is to increase Irish and Irish American young peoples’

connection to each other, to Ireland and Irish culture; through enjoyable activities with young

people in a club in a different country.

A club wishing to twin should:

  • Be willing to meet and do activities online with its twin
  • Be available some weekend evenings to allow for the time difference (New York is 5 hours behind Ireland)
  • Have an interest in sharing their culture with the members of the other club
  • Be open to learning about the culture of the other country
  • Have a similar member profile to its twin– in terms of gender mix and age range.

Here are some things twinned clubs might do together

  • Introduction games
  • Language differences
  • Sports each like
  • Music they like
  • Club talent nights
  • TAB (Tea and Biscuit) chat time
  • Quiz with mixed teams
  • School differences
  • Penpal possibilities

It will be up to the paired clubs to decide how often they meet and what they do.

How do you get involved?

If your club is meeting during the summer consult your leaders and members. Don’t worry if you are

not open, we may be looking for more clubs in September.

Complete this form by the 31 st of May. It asks why you want to twin and why your club would make a

great choice.


We may get more offers from Ireland than the number of USA clubs available. If so, we will review

the applications and have to make a choice. The judges’ decision is final.