Engineering - #BallineenForóigeYoungEngineer2018

foroigeadmin April 12, 2018

Young people from Ballineen Foróige Club took part in the first ever #BallineenForóigeYoungEngineer2018.

The event, which was sponsored by Eli Lilly, STEAM Education & STEPS Ireland, concided with the launch of Engineers Week. Leaders and members of Ballineen Foróige Club organised the exhibition to showcase the diverse and exciting range of engineering projects that were undertaken by members of the club, with the aid of leaders and a number of local engineers.

The event was the culmination of a 6 week programme, during which young people learnt about problem solving, organisation, creativity, project management, report writing, design, teamwork, and presentation. 

On the night Rebecca Dwyer, a engineer with Eli Lilly, and a volunteer with Ballineen Foróige, spoke about how she became an engineer, and how excited she was to join Foróige and share her passion for engineering.


Judges on the night included, Michael Loftus, Head of Engineering at CIT, Fintan Goold, Manager at Eli Lilly and All-Ireland Cork winning Footballer, along with Geraldine Coughlan of GCA Architects & Designers.

Many local politicans attended the event, as did Foróige CEO Seán Campbell.



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