Aldi Foróige Youth Citizenship Programme

What is the Aldi Foróige Youth Citizenship Programme?

The programme encourages young people to become aware of the needs of the community or the wider world; doing something practical about that need, and then checking to see the difference they have made both for the community and to their own learning.

Become aware of needs:

Take a walk around the community looking at what needs to be done, or have a meeting to discuss how the to area could be better, or what groups might need help. From all the needs you identify, the members and adults choose one or two you can do something about and that members are really interested in. See ideas A to Z below.

Go into action:

Set up a citizenship sub group of members and a couple of adult leaders - especially if in a big club. Use the 9 point plan to work out what you are going to do.


Reflect on what you have done, the difference you have made to the community or issue and what you have learned.

