Youth Entrepreneurship

A Guide for Entrepreneurship Educators launched by the European Commission

foroigeentrepreneur September 24, 2013

The European Commission has emphasised the need to embed entrepreneurial learning in all sectors of education and the central role played by teachers through the Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan and Rethinking Education Communication. We would like therefore to inform you of a new document titled: "Entrepreneurship Education – A Guide for Educators".

Tony Ryan Trust awards grant to Foróige to implement youth mentoring and entrepreneurship programmes in Tipperary

Foróige-Notinuse's picture
Foróige-Notinuse September 23, 2013

Foróige's Big Brother Big Sister youth mentoring programme and Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship programme have been awarded a grant from the Tony Ryan Trust through the Community Foundation for Ireland . The purpose of the grant is to support children and young people in Tipperary to reach their full potential. 

US Study of the NFTE Youth Entrepreneurship Programme proves positive outcomes and creation of future prosperity

Foróige-Notinuse's picture
Foróige-Notinuse September 10, 2013

Foróige runs the youth entrepreneurship programme NFTE in Ireland in schools and communities. Foróige welcome this new study which demonstrates the impact of this same programme in the US. This study of NFTE Alumni in the US has been carried out by Vanessa E. Beary, a Presidential Scholar at Harvard Graduate School of Education and Fulbright Fellow. Vanessa has a special interest in Entrepreneurship Education in developing countries with large youth populations.

Twins Michael and Oisín (13) operating successful summer business thanks to Foróige

Foróige-Notinuse's picture
Foróige-Notinuse July 15, 2013

When school is out for the summer, young people often find themselves looking for something to do with their free time! Twins Michael and Oisin McGloin (13) from Bundoran, Co. Donegal decided that if they wanted to have money and something to do during the holidays, they would have to be creative and motivated. Their involvement in the Foróige NFTE programme (Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship) in 2012 spurred them to use their skills and knowledge to develop their very own business.

Foróige’s NFTE programme chosen as Case Study at Roundtable Event hosted by Minister Fitzgerald on Youth Work and Youth Employment

Foróige-Notinuse's picture
Foróige-Notinuse July 4, 2013

Frances Fitzgerald, Ireland’s Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, hosted a two day Expert Roundtable to explore how Youth Work can support Youth Employment. The event, which was building on work progressed during the Irish EU Youth Presidency took place on 20thand 21st June in Kildare, Ireland. It was attended by a select audience of key actors in Youth Work and Employment issues from Ireland and across Europe.

Dublin Declaration agreed on contribution of youth work to youth employment

Foróige-Notinuse's picture
Foróige-Notinuse June 24, 2013

The Dublin Declaration recognises the unique potential of youth work in supporting attainment of ‘soft’ skills which are increasingly sought after by employers. The Declaration was agreed following an EU Presidency expert roundtable hosted by Minister Fitzgerald who has agreed to write to President Herman Van Rompuy ahead of next week’s EU Council summit. 
