Young people from Foróige's Techspace programme attend the Web Summit 2014

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Foróige-Notinuse November 6, 2014

Ten young people from Foróige in Blanchardstown and Tallaght were selected from our Techspace programme to attend the Web Summit! They interviewed a wide range of Web Summit attendees including entrepreneurs and CEOs. Danae Ringelmann, Founder and Chief Development Officer of Indiegogo (an international crowd-funding site) was interviewed by the young people and he spent lots of time answering their questions. They found the interviewing a little challenging at the outset but after a while, they couldn’t be stopped!

The young people recorded and produced a short video to pitch their ideas to a crowd on the People’s Stage. They were incredibly excited to attend the conference and thoroughly enjoyed asking attendees about their businesses and products. They listened to talks given by Paddy Cosgrave (founder of Web Summit) and Twitter staff, amongst many others.

They were given the task of coming up with an idea for a tech product or solution to a problem. One of their ideas was to use virtual reality products, like Oculus Rift headsets, in schools together with smart phones to enable students to learn in a different way. The young people say that they are interested in having careers in engineering, architecture and PR. The event was a thought-provoking way to consider their future careers and how technology is going to play a big part of their lives.