Should young people be able to vote in elections from the age of 16?

Foróige-Notinuse's picture
Foróige-Notinuse February 28, 2014

Should young people be able to vote in elections from the age of 16? Liam O’Driscoll and David O’Callaghan (members of Ballineen Foróige Club in Co. Cork) are surveying the nation’s teenagers on their political knowledge and level of responsibility. They have devised a knowledge survey: and a responsibility survey: We urge you to get involved! 

The lads say, "We are two Transition Year students from Cork. The question of whether or not to lower the voting age will be put to the people next year in a referendum. It is therefore vital that we find out whether or not 16 and 17 year old have the knowledge, maturity and responsibility to vote in elections. Our goal is to answer this question in a scientific fashion by surveying 16 and 17 year olds on their political and economic knowledge; along with their interest in politics and their various levels of responsibility. Please help us answer these questions by taking a few minutes of your time to fill out one of our two surveys."

They are pictured sharing their project with Minister for Transport, Tourism & Sport, Leo Varadkar.