General News

Foróige NFTE Youth Entrepreneurs to appear on Junior Dragon's Den this Sunday

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Foróige-Notinuse May 2, 2013

Two business minded Foróige young people will enter the Junior Dragon's Den this Sunday evening! Foróige NFTE Youth Entrepreneurship students Aisling Maher and Cliona Murphy will appear on the programme to pitch their business idea.

Their products are attractive serving platters made from melted glass wine bottles and candle holders made from aluminium cans. The girls participated in the NFTE entrepreneurship programme at their school St. Dominic’s in Cabra. Tune in to the programme on May 5th at 21:30pm, RTÉ 1!

NUIG research proves Foróige's positive impact on young people

Foróige-Notinuse's picture
Foróige-Notinuse April 19, 2013

Foróige has embraced evaluation! Young people are benefiting from their engagement in our clubs and programmes.The outcomes that young people are gaining are tangible, realistic and worthwhile. This is great news for us as staff and volunteers, great news for our young people and great news for our funders. All of the time you invest working with young people is paying off. Young people are doing better because of the time you give and now we have real results that back up our work. The time that young people voluntarily spend with us does lead to better outcomes for them.

Congratulations to newly elected Youth Participation Advisory Committee!

Foróige-Notinuse's picture
Foróige-Notinuse April 18, 2013

On Saturday 6th April 2013, the newly elected YPAC (Youth Participation Advisory Committee) met for the first time in Dublin City Centre. YPAC will meet approximately four times over the next year to plan, advise and evaluate youth participation across the whole Foróige organisation. In this first meeting, the committee which is made up of 12 young people from around the country as well as Foróige volunteers, staff and members of Senior Management, looked at various aspects of youth participation in the organisation.
