General News

There's no such thing as a typical Foróige volunteer!

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Foróige-Notinuse June 18, 2013

Meet some of the volunteers who work at the Foróige Ballyshannon/Bundoran Neighbourhood Youth Project which has been operating for the last 12 years. The project works in conjunction with the Gardaí, social workers, education welfare officers, parents, schools, volunteers and many other agencies to plan and implement specific needs led programmes for young people from 10- 18 years. As most projects have been facing huge cut backs due to the economic times we are in, it has proven extremely difficult to sustain the level of work we do with the budgets we are working with.

Foróige summer programmes for young people kick off around Ireland

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Foróige-Notinuse June 12, 2013

Summer is a great time for young people.  The days are long and bright, there is no school and possibilities for fun seem endless.  However, for many young people the opportunities to enjoy summer activities are limited. This is a time when young people can lose contact with their peers and become disengaged from support systems such as school and communities. 
