General News

Teenpreneur Vanessa Mulhall attends conference on youth unemployment and meets President Francois Hollande

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Foróige-Notinuse November 18, 2013

Vanessa, a Foróige youth entrepreneurship programme graduate attended a conference on Youth Employment and Quality Jobs in Paris recently. She presented President Francois Hollande with a specially designed Pixi Pot which featured a French and Irish flag. Learn more about Pixi Pots at Vanessa's Facebook page here.

Foróige staff and young people participate in making of video "Do Children's Rights Matter?" with Children's Rights Alliance

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Foróige-Notinuse November 18, 2013

Foróige was delighted to be given the opportunity to be part of the Children’s Rights Alliance film project on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Not only did we have two Foróige young people working on the Young People’s Project Team, we also had three Foróige former members volunteering as facilitators in the workshops, our Advocacy Youth Officer working on the Advisory group and one of our Senior Youth Officers appearing in the film in an interview about access to recreation spaces for young people.

Volunteer Daniel Cronin is a finalist in the Calor Community Champion search for Ireland's unsung heroes

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Foróige-Notinuse November 18, 2013

Daniel Cronin, Foróige volunteer is one of 6 finalists in the hotly contested Calor Community Champion competition. He has received thousands and thousands of votes to get him to this phase of the competition. In 2011, Daniel set up the Ballineen Foróige Club in Co. Cork and also acts as Public Relations Officer for the West Cork Foróige District. We caught up with Daniel to find out more about his volunteering experience with Foróige.

167 young people graduate from NUIG with Foundation Certificate in Youth Leadership & Community Action

Foróige-Notinuse's picture
Foróige-Notinuse November 1, 2013

167 young people have graduated from NUIG with a Foundation Certificate in Youth Leadership and Community Action. They participated in the programme through involvement with Foróige Clubs, Youth Projects and the Albert Schweitzer Leadership for Life Conference. Dr. James J. Browne who is the President of NUIG said, "Leadership programmes are a pivotal resource in equipping young people with the skills to become positive role models as youth leaders.
