General News

Foróige teenagers collaborate with European Commission to produce "A Day in the Life of a Young European"

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Foróige-Notinuse May 13, 2014

The video 'A Day In The Life Of A Young European', (see here: ) was produced by teenage members of Ireland’s leading youth organisation, Foróige. They produced the video to mark Europe Day, which is an annual celebration of peace and unity in Europe. Europe Day was celebrated in Europe at the offices of the European Commission on Dawson St. in Dublin. Sorcha Hodgins, Joe Aylward, Temi Liadi, Aisling O’Callaghan, Aaron Colfer, Nikita Evans, Jessie Reid and Eibhlís Moriarty also produced an education pack which will give people the opportunity to explore in more detail the issues covered in the video.

And the Youth Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2014 goes to..."Brace Yourself"!

Foróige-Notinuse's picture
Foróige-Notinuse May 12, 2014

Five teenage business women from Sligo are bracing themselves for success after being crowned the winners of the Youth Entrepreneur of the Year Awards 2014, organised and run by Foróige, for their business ‘Brace Yourself’. The group were amongst the 1,500 participants from low income communities who set up 600 businesses as part of this year’s Foróige NFTE entrepreneurship programme, generating a collective turnover of €250,000.  

Will Donnelly, Foróige Youth Entrepreneurship Trainer wins international award

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Foróige-Notinuse May 12, 2014

Will Donnelly from St. Mary’s Secondary School in Glasnevin has won the Certified Entrepreneurship Trainer International Competition 2014. He has been teaching the Foróige Youth Entrepreneurship programme since 2010 and in this time he has brought approximately 150 students through to graduation. Will has enthusiastically brought the real business world into his classroom by arranging visits to local businesses, bringing in guest speakers to talk about how to survive in the business world, attended numerous trade fares and enabled his students to set up post office accounts for their businesses. Many of his students come from disadvantaged areas.

What's it like to be a member of Foróige's Reference Panel?

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Foróige-Notinuse March 28, 2014

Ciana Cooney of Bullaun Foróige Club, Galway

Getting elected on to the Reference Panel was a shock. I was over the moon and was intrigued to see what I was letting myself in for. Coming from a small Foróige Club it was the first time that someone from our Club got elected. The night before, as I packed my bag, I began to feel anxious and nervous. I am an outgoing and confident person but this experience was going to be something I had never done before.

I had no idea the effect this weekend would turn out to have on me. From once we set foot in Dublin it became clear that this weekend would be one that would never be forgotten. As we all gathered for dinner it was obvious that everyone was unique and the nicest group of people you will ever meet. The conversation flowed and it felt as if we all had known each other all our lives.

You Make the Difference: Volunteer Stories

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Foróige-Notinuse March 28, 2014

Anne & Niamh:

Hi, my name is Anne and I’m a Big Sister to Niamh. Niamh and I met for the first time on March 12th 2012. The two years in which I’ve known Niamh have flown by and we’ve built a really solid relationship. I decided to volunteer with the BBBS programme as I love working with young people. BBBS gave me the opportunity to do this while hopefully helping a young person by giving them some time out each week. Niamh is now 12. She’s always happy, chatty and enthusiastic. She’s never demanding and is always content to just hang out and catch up on each other’s news. At this stage, I think she’s given up suggesting that we could go and stalk Niall Horan’s house in Mullingar! 

Volunteer How To: Curating Foróige stories

Foróige-Notinuse's picture
Foróige-Notinuse March 28, 2014

Foróige’s Communications Department is continually curating Foróige stories to be shared online and in the media. Here is a short guide to creating content which Foróige can share on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube on our website and more. Frances Macken is Foróige's Online Communications Officer (email [email protected]) and Cathy Gray is Foróige's Media & Marketing Officer (email [email protected]). We are continually seeking good Foróige stories. Why? Because they depict the transformative nature of Foróige. The spirit of volunteering. The confidence and belief provided to young people. Communities brought together and strengthened.
